Where have you been?

So, I took a leave of absence from my blog... again.Every so often, typically after there has been a shift in my life, I take a break from posting content and blog posts. This is normal for me because I find it harder to manage my brand when life’s uncontrollable occurrences happen. However, since becoming a mom it’s been harder for me to bounce back to my previous consistency. As we are nearing my son’s first birthday tomorrow, I can honestly say that life thus far has been difficult. The hard fact is that working from home as a virtual teacher AND having my son at home with me all day has been a struggle. My time, energy, and priorities just haven’t been the same.

Outside of being busier, one of the biggest things I’ve been working to overcome is self-doubt. While I’ve always preached and pushed the concept of self-love, I have fallen victim to allowing the success and progress of others in similar situations to impact my confidence. On my brand Instagram I follow many business owners, influencers, and creatives that are also moms, like me. I scroll through my timeline daily and notice the amount of success they are having even throughout a pandemic. Platforms like Zoom and Clubhouse have become extremely popular in allowing creatives to continue to host events and forums. I look at those people, see what they are posting, and feel inferior. I ask myself every day whether I need to rebrand my social media pages/website, come up with new content strategies, and try new ways to get followers. Each day, I open my laptop... start creating and delete everything I started. I’ve been constantly telling myself it isn’t good enough and isn’t like what I see other people doing on Instagram. I’ve been letting self-doubt stop me from growing this brand that I’m so passionate about.

Since my hiatus, I reach out from week to week to those who have supported me throughout this journey. Ironically, this particular week I’ve received so many messages from you all expressing your patience and desire for new content from me. To be honest, that was the push I needed to get back on track. I’ve been so afraid that I’ll fail trying to be like others, thatI never considered that you guys will love me simply because I’m me. And I love you guys for that!

As I work to continue growing and getting more consistent, I just want to say thank you for being with me! I have so many new ideas and I can’t wait to put them to work for my tribe!


"I know you love me, but do you like me?"


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